Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
Specialista in Ortodonzia
- Invisalign Platinum Elite Provider
- Status Platinum Elite dal 2010
- Clinical Speaker ufficiale Invisalign
- Invisalign Key Opinion Leader a livello europeo
- Membro dello European Advisory Board Invisalign
- Invisalign Teen provider
- Socio Fondatore e Board member dell’ European Aligner Society
- Visiting Professor Department of Orthodontics Università of Torino
- Relatore in Italia e all’estero su tecnica Invisalign e disfunzioni TMD
- Relatore in Italia a Presentazione Invisalign G4 e G6
- Oltre 500 pazienti trattati con la tecnica Invisalign

Dr. Francesco Garino
Specialista in Ortodonzia
- Invisalign Platinum Elite Provider
- Status Platinum Elite dal 2006
- Clinical Speaker ufficiale Invisalign dal 2008
- Invisalign Key Opinion Leader a livello europeo
- Membro dello European Advisory Board Invisalign
- Invisalign Teen provider
- Socio Fondatore e Board Member della European Aligner Society
- Autore di oltre 70 pubblicazioni su riviste italiane e internazionali
- Relatore a congressi a corsi in Europa, Stati Uniti, Middle East, Giappone e a tutti i Summit Europei Invisalign
- Membro dell’ Invisalign International Product Steering discussion board
- Relatore in Italia a presentatione Invisalign G3, G4 e a Londra su Invisalign G5
- Oltre 850 pazienti trattati con la tecnica Invisalign
The first four modules are held in one and a half day (Friday the whole day and Saturday morning) and last module is a study club for one full day.
The official Master of Invisalign to orthodontists includes 4 modules with a Study Club.
In this first module orthodontists acquire the basic knowledge necessary to work with Invisalign and the official certification of Invisalign. *
- Historical Review. Update. Transparent systems Orthodontics.
- Invisalign System. Align Technology.
- Concepts : Invisalign G3 , G4 , G5 , G6 ; Smartforces : attachments, power ridges, precision cuts, pressure points , bite ramps; pontics , IPR , middle correction, additional aligners, overcorrection , etc.
- Types of treatment: Invisalign i7, Invisalign Lite, Invisalign Teen, Invisalign Full and Vivera Retainers.
- Cases selection. The key of success.
- What can be treated with Invisalign?
- Ideal cases for starting with Invisalign.
- How organize all the work for Invisalign team? Clinical practice organization.
- Clinic marketing. Patient experience.
- Making records: photographs, impressions and intraoral scanner iTero.
- Take phothographs.
- Take impressiones with PVS and intraoral scanner iTero.
- Prepare photographic and radiographic records.
- Invisalign Doctor Site (IDS)
- Send a case: step by step.
* Ask for conditions
**PC laptop with Windows program is required.
The official Master of Invisalign to orthodontists includes 4 modules with a Study Club.
Invisalign treatment beginning. ClinCheck. Class I malocclusion.
- SmartForces
- Attachmets: selection, placement, problems, tips.
- Auxiliary techniques.
- IPR.
- Pontics.
- Differential anchorage with Invisalign.
- Class I maloclussion.
- Implants, bridges and crowns: case combined with restorative dentistry.
- ClinCheck Pro step by step.
- Effective communication with the technical.
- Placement of Attachments.
- IPR practice.
- Control of ClinCheck Pro.
*PC laptop with Windows program is required.
The official Master of Invisalign to orthodontists includes 4 modules with a Study Club.
We will see most frequent malocclusions in our daily clinical practice.
- Class II malocclusion: power ridges, precision cuts.
- Class III malocclusion: power ridges, precision cuts.
- Overbites. Invisalign G5
- Openbites.
- Periodontal patients.
- Auxiliary advanced techniques.
- Dental aesthetics.
- Invisalign Teen.
- Tips and tricks.
- Clinical cases revision.
- ClinCheck revision.
*PC laptop with Windows program is required.
The official Master of Invisalign to orthodontists includes 4 modules with a Study Club.
Complicated malocclusions. The challenge for the orthodontist.
- Extractions. Invisalign G6.
- Crossbites.
- Clinical complex cases.
- Asymmetries.
- Microscrews.
- Virtual Jump.
- Included teeth.
- Surgical cases. Surgery First con Invisalign.
- Finishing cases.
- Clinical cases revisión.
- ClinCheck revisión.
*PC laptop with Windows program is required.
Guided only at invisible orthodontic master Dr. Roman´s students.
Clinical session where theoretical issues wil be reviewed but mostly clinical cases and clincheck reviews.
- Doubts and updating
- Clinical cases revisión.
- ClinCheck revisión.
*PC laptop with Windows program is required.